Monday, August 28, 2006

Calvary News

Calvary News
August 28, 2006
Dr. Rick Worthy

Unbelievable week is an understatement if there ever was one. Calvary is still reeling with the resignation of Brother Tim Davis. It really is going to be hard to say good by.

Rick and Ricky T went to Victory Baptist School for their chapel program on Wednesday morning. The kids seemed to really enjoy them as they told the Bible Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego;

The Youthful Defenders had a full weekend starting with a pizza outing at Cee Cees Pizza in Auburn and a Movie. We went to see the movie “World Trade Center”. It reminded us in vivid details just how evil man can be and on the other hand just how compassionate man can be.
After returning to Calvary around 1 AM Tim and Leigh took several of the youth down to Tom’s house on Lake Marin for a lock-in. Wilma and I decided to meet them the next day for a day of swimming, boating and good grilling out. It is official (the judges voted unanimously) Dr. Rick is the king of the dock. It is true he got pushed into the water; however, it took at less a dozen of the strongest girls there to do it. As I remember we only had 5 girls and one guy there but that is beside the point.
After a fun day of playing in the water and a hearty meal of Hot-dogs, Hamburgers and all the trimmings, we left Brother Tom’s around 4 pm heading to Verbena, Al to the En Fuego Youth Rally.
Meaning "On Fire" in Spanish, this one-day event is a rally at which students from every denomination and background come together for the purpose of worship and seeing Jesus Christ change lives. Each consecutive year the praise and worship has been spectacular and a clear Gospel message has been presented. An outdoor event, the rally has a very intense, yet intimate, camp-like feel and some have referred to it as "the Christian Woodstock of your generation." Located in central Alabama, this event has seen hundreds of students come to know Christ, make commitments of renewal and be called into full-time ministry. The Lord has made this rally grow in ministry, excellence and numbers since the first year when some 300 students came. In 2005, over 10,000 people covered an open hillside to exalt the name of Jesus, some for the very first time!

As we turned down the long rural road outside of Verbena we began to realize that this was far bigger than we had anticipated. Cars were bumper to bumper for several miles. As we approached the hillside were the rally had been in progress for several hours already we were flabbergasted to see the number of cars, trucks, and buses parked every where. We were blessed to find a parking spot fairly close. We made our way to the hillside were people from all over the south had gathered to worship the one true God! The number that was given was 25,000 plus.

David Nasser, Rick and Bubba, Hyper Static Union, Grits, and Third Day just to name a few of the top names there. Ending the Rally was Third Day. They were stupendous, keeping the crowd on their feet for the entire time they were on stage. It was a tremendous blessing to see so many young people with their hands stretched toward Heaven in praise to Jesus our Savior. It was a great way to end an awesome weekend.

Monday night the Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) got together at Oskars for a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Barbara Lightsey who turned (don’t even think that I’m going there) this week. There were 30 in attendance and yes she was surprised. It was a grand party enjoyed by all (maybe not those that came for a quite evening meal). Mrs. Barbara we wish you many more wonderful years and for the right amount of money I will reveal who planned the party.
Several members of SAM will be going to the Shakespeare Festival Friday, September 1.
Brother Rick and Mrs. Wilma will begin working with the kids Sunday evening at 5:30 pm. All kids grades k-6 or encouraged to come.

Check out our blog page.

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