Sunday, August 20, 2006


Calvary Baptist Church was saddened Sunday by the resignation of Reverend Tim Davis, our Associate Pastor/ Youth leader. Tim used bittersweet to describe the announcement that Beulah Baptist Church, in the Union Community, had called him as their Associate Pastor. Tim, Leigh, Tad and Amber have been at Calvary for the past 2 years. We realize that being a Preacher of the Gospel means one will move from time to time, but that realization does not make it painless saying good by. We will miss the contagious smiles, quick wit and laughter that we all have come to love about Tim. He is a person that sees no wrong in anyone and loves you with an unconditional love from the beginning. He has been and will continue to be a faithful worker for Christ. Calvary will truly miss the Davis family. Beulah has gained a great man of God. Tim, Leigh, Tad and Amber have become very close friends to Wilma and I over the last year. We wish them God speed in their new field of Service.

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