Sunday, August 20, 2006


Calvary News
Rick Worthy

Calvary Baptist Church was saddened Sunday by the resignation of Reverend Tim Davis, our Associate Pastor/ Youth leader. Tim used bittersweet to describe the announcement that Beulah Baptist Church, in the Union Community, had called him as their Associate Pastor. Tim, Leigh, Tad and Amber have been at Calvary for the past 2 years. We realize that being a Preacher of the Gospel means one will move from time to time, but that realization does not make it painless saying good by. We will miss the contagious smiles, quick wit and laughter that we all have come to love about Tim. He is a person that sees no wrong in anyone and loves you with an unconditional love from the beginning. He has been and will continue to be a faithful worker for Christ. Calvary will truly miss the Davis family. Beulah has gained a great man of God. Tim, Leigh, Tad and Amber have become very close friends to Wilma and I over the last year. We wish them God speed in their new field of Service. Brother Tim will remain on the field at Calvary until the 17th of September. He will preach during the Morning Service on that day. There will be a fellowship meal after the Morning Service.

Doctor Rick Worthy was called as Associate Pastor and Youth Leader to take Brother Tim’s place. Rick and Wilma will work together in this position, as did Tim and Leigh. Rick and Wilma have been members of Calvary Baptist for the last year. Doctor Worthy and Wilma came to Calvary from Bon Air Baptist Church in Bon Air, Al. were he served as Pastor for four years. He served as Pastor of Union Baptist Church in Central Association for six years prior to that. He currently teaches the Masters Program at Lake Martin Bible Institute in Alexander City, Al.

Calvary Baptist, in a unanimous decision, voted to go ahead with the purchase of a 23 or 36 passenger bus. It was reported that the liability of using a 15-passenger van has gotten to be too great and that the pressure from the Government to do away with their use has gotten stronger. The deacons will be looking at what will be the best option, a 23 or 36-passenger bus.
The Church had talked about installing new high-tech video monitors and computers but it was decided to wait on this phase until after the purchase of the Bus.

Dewayne Sanders under went Laparoscopic surgery on Monday, August 14,2006. The doctors were able to remove the cancer from his colon along with several lymph nodes associated with the tumors. Dewayne will have to go back for more surgery in about 4 to 8 weeks to remove a spot on his liver. Continue to pray for him and his family as they fight this battle they are in. We know that we serve a God of Healing and He will prevail in this situation. It was a blessing to see Dewayne in Church Sunday morning.

The New Beginning Sunday Sunday_School Class has adopted Curt and Conner Sanders, the infant twin sons of Dewayne and Christie, as a mission project while Dewayne recovers from his treatments. Everyone is encouraged to pick up a few items as they shop during the week. Jars of baby food, diapers, cereal etc.will be a great help since Dewayne will not be able to return to work for some time; if you need more information on ways to help e-mail me at Please make a note help for Dewayne in the subject line.

The Youthful Defenders (Youth of Calvary) will have a movie/pizza party Friday night August 25. They will meet at Calvary at 6:00 P.M. and after the movie they will have a lock-in at Brother Tom’s house on the lake. On Saturday afternoon they will be going to Verbena, Al. to a Third Day Concert. This is a full weekend of fun so don’t miss it.

Mrs. Pam Parker announced Sunday morning that on some Wednesday nights the kids would be going to McDonalds for treats and study time. This is for kids Nursery-6 grade.
Rick and Wilma will be starting the Puppet Ministry for kids grades k-6 on September 3,2006 at 5:30 PM

We have many things going on at Calvary Baptist Church. God is blessing in a mighty way. Come join us and see just what He is doing and can do in your life.

Check out our web site:

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