Monday, September 04, 2006

Calvary News

Calvary News
Dr. Rick Worthy

This past week has been one of pain and suffering for many of our members. Sometimes we wonder why we have to go down that long hard road that has so much pain and uncertainty at the end when we try so hard to live for God. I can assure you that God knows our pain and He cares that we are burdened with a load of care and hardship. He promised that He would walk that long hard road with us. As Christians we can have a companion that knows every dip and curve and can guide us through the darkness.

Jean Williamson knows that pain this week. She also knows the One that can and will get her through. Mrs. Jean had major back surgery on Thursday of last week to correct a severe curve in her spine. The doctors were to put in a rod that would help correct this problem but when they got in they discovered a large pocket of infection that had gone undetected. This was causing a lot of the pain that she had been experiencing. They were able to clean up the infection but she will have to be on antibodies given by IV for six weeks. She still will have to have the corrective back surgery after the infection is gone.

Tim and Leigh Davis visited Mrs. Jean on Saturday and reported that she was in a great deal of pain. Ronnie and Barbara Lightsey, Tommy and Margaret Glasscock visited her Sunday afternoon and reported that she was feeling much better. Pray for Mrs. Jean.

Dwayne Sanders is still recovering from his surgery to remove cancer from his colon. He went back to his doctor this past week and found that he had not one but two spots on his liver. He will have to undergo liver surgery on the 15th of September. Dwayne has a great doctor that believes in prayer and believes in the healing power of God. We know that Dwayne is going to make it through. It may be hard and it may be long but Jesus will walk beside him, carrying him when it becomes unbearable. The New Beginning Sunday School has taken Dwayne’s twin boys on as a mission project to help with their needs. Conner and Curt are less than a year old. If you feel led to help contact me at Please make a note in the subject area “help for Conner and Curt.” God will richly bless you. Dwayne found out this past week that his job at Uniroyal will end in November. Be much in prayer for the Sanders.

Mrs. Sandra Horton spent a good portion of last week in Dadeville Hospital. She was experiencing something with flu like symptoms. She got to go home the last part of last week. Continue to pray for her. Brother Charlie began a new Sunday school class Sunday, September 3 for all the couples that want to go into a class together. We know that he will do a great job.

Rick and Wilma Worthy were at Victory Baptist Church on Sunday morning. Dr. Worthy preached for Brother John Watkins who was away preaching a homecoming at a church in Tennessee. Rick and Ricky T. performed for the kids during the service. Rick and Wilma were to begin the new children’s puppet workshop this past Sunday evening but it was postponed due to the Labor Day weekend. We had a lot of families on vacation.

The Youthful Defenders (Youth Class) and the YAMs (Young Adult Ministries) held a joint Sunday school Class at Wilder Healthcare Sunday morning. There were 7 youth and 16 adults in attendance. The residents at Wilder really enjoy the time of fellowship and Bible study.

On a personal note, as I have watched the many different anniversary specials about the attack on America September 11,2001, I’m reminded just how vulnerable we are. As I recall that day 5 years ago and how people of all races, creeds and religions flocked to church to pray for our nation and the safety of it’s people, I see a people today that has lost that urgency to cry out to God for help in time of trouble. As I look at the Church today and see the empty pews, the apathy in the eyes of our people, and the belief that it will never happen again I wonder how did we get so blind so soon? Must we face another 9-11? (2Ch 7:14) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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Always in His Service,Rick

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