Saturday, August 05, 2006


God loves you and so do we at Calvary Baptist Church in Dadeville. We are grateful to continue to see Sandra Pemberton, our first Lady at Calvary, at home although it is reported that she is still fighting infection in her body. Continue to pray for her and Brother Tom.
It is a joy to see Jean Williamson back in church, keep her very close to your heart as she copes with the loss of Brother Donnie.
Brother Tom gave both the youth and adults a challenge Wednesday, July 19, 2006 to bring someone with them to Bible Study on Wednesday night. The youth have taken that challenge to heart by more than doubling their attendance.
Rick and Wilma Worthy will be starting a childrenÂ’s ministry, grades k-6. Ricky T.Willl be a guest speaker. We will be having a children sermon each Sunday during Morning Worship.
The youth of Calvary had a wonderful time visiting Brother Tom Goldston’s home on Lake Martin, Saturday the 15th. They also went to the”Mini”Big God Conference on the 16th at the Union Community Center and the Derry Berry Concert on Saturday 21. Tasha plans on going parasailing in Bulf Springs in a couple of weeks. Tad, the party animal, went to, not one, but three sweet sixteen parties after the concert Saturday night.
Ted and Manda Greer visited Poplar Springs Methodist for homecoming on Sunday. Manda enjoyed visiting with her dad, Gene Knight.
Ricky and Vickie PrattÂ’s son Josh has orders for a tour in Iraq. Keep him in your prayers. He will be leaving very soon.
Terry Greer has just returned from a 3 week assignment with the 214th Military Police Unit. They went to Vicenza, Italy to relieve the regular army for field duty and R and R time. Brother Tom called Terry on his cell phone during the Morning Worship Service on July 9th and talked to him in Vicenza, Italy. We are really glad to have him back home safely. Terry received the Combat Action Badge for his participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom along with each of the other members of his unit during a special ceremony on July 22th.
The preteen Sunday School enjoyed Lindsey and Melanie as visitors. The class studied the parting of the Red sea. Each of the students wrote something in class with their toes.
There will be a group from Calvary joining Union Methodist going to Atlanta on November 25th to help sort shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. If you want to be part of this great ministry you must sign-up no later than July 30. We will be going in the Church vans.
The menÂ’s adult class has started a study in the book of Revelation. Brother Martin Greer is the Study leader.
Calvary has a new web blog. You can reach us at .

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