Monday, September 11, 2006

Calvary News September 14

Calvary Baptist News
Dr. Rick Worthy
September 11, 2006

Can you remember were you were on the day the world stood still for a moment? I remember getting to the job site in Alex City and the lady that Wilma and I was painting for coming to the door and telling us that something awful had just happened. We went in and stood in her living room and watch the announcers as they told what was taking place. We could not believe what was unfolding before our eyes. We saw the second plane as it flew into the second tower of the World Trade Center and just a few minutes later we watched in horror as the towers began to disintegrate and fall to the streets below. Monday we remembered that fateful day five years ago and prayed once again that something like this would never happen again. We remembered the fallen from every nation. We must never forget that this attack; although it was on American soil, was an attack on the nations of the world. Monday as I watched the many different Memorial Services I was once again reminded of the pain and the suffering a few can inflect on so many. I saw a little girl on one of the newscast, just a toddler, ask her mother why all those people had to die. How can one answer a question like that? I heard a song Sunday morning on the W.E.L.L. that said “I was there” It spoke of Jesus being on the 101 floor, in the stairwells, standing beside the family members as they got that last phone call or message, with each person that was willing to cry out to Him, on the planes that evil men used as weapons of mass destruction, on the ground that was to become a mass grave for so many. Jesus was there then and He is still here with us today as we remember that day. Let us never forget He walks that valley with us. (Psa 23:4) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

On September 1st several members of SAM (Senior Adults Ministry) traveled to Montgomery and enjoyed a great dinner at Up the Creek Restaurant (It was reported to me by one of the members that they did have a paddle). They attended the Alabama Shakespeare Festival were they saw the play Honky Tonk Angels.

The Senior Adult Ladies Sunday School Class is planning a retreat in Helen, Ga. the last weekend in October. Dorothy Lynch will be traveling to Texas September 11-15. Keep her in your prayers.

Rick and Wilma began the Kid’s World Puppet workshop Sunday evening with 6 in attendance. They were fantastic. In twenty minutes they learned how to perform a song and performed it for the Church that evening. The young people that attended were, Tad Davis, Karleigh Sanders (Youthful Defenders), Amber Davis, Shauna and Annah Harrelson, and Luke Greer (Kids World). Keep up the good work guys.

Mrs. Bernice Whittle under went Surgery Monday to remove a spot on her lung. After a three-hour surgery it was reported that she was doing well. The Doctors don’t believe that she will have to undergo any type Chemotherapy. They did discover that she had several bad disks in her back that was causing her the pain the she had been experiencing. She has a long way to go so keep praying for her recovery.

Brother Charlie Horton’s new Sunday School Class “Navigators” had six members this past Sunday Morning. Bro. Charlie is taking the class back to the basics learning how to study God’s Word. This will be a great Class to join and learn just how to go about studying the Bible. Come and join them.

The ladies of Calvary gave Miss Amanda Marie Minor bride elect Mr. Kane Jacoby Etheredge a bridal shower on Sunday afternoon, September 10. It was reported that the shower went well. Best wishes go out to both Amanda and Kane as they began a new life together.

Brother Tim Davis has been called as Associate Pastor of Beulah Baptist Church. We are thankful for the two wonderful years of service he and Leigh have given at Calvary. Be in prayer for them in their new ministry. Tim will preach during the morning service next Sunday. There will be a covered dish meal after the service. Make plans to attend this farewell service for the Davis’. We encourage all the youth to be in attendance.

In Brother Tom’s sermon Sunday morning he compared the Body of Christ (the Church) to the great redwood trees. The root system of the redwood tree is surprisingly shallow, especially given the great height the mature tree attains. There is no taproot and the other roots may reach no deeper than 6-10 feet. One way in which the trees are able to remain upright for millennia is by growing close together with other redwood trees, intermingling root systems. For the Body of Christ to remain strong against the winds of Satan we must stand together. We must be like those mighty redwoods growing tall, intermingling our roots together for a Christian cannot stand-alone. He or She must have the support from other believers. (Heb 10:25) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. I encourage you to attend Church on Sunday morning and Sunday night. Become active in serving God. Unlike a football game were we go and watch a few well trained men battle for a few more yards, serving God requires your participation, your contribution. I challenge you to blow your pastor’s mind by going up to him Sunday morning and asking him to put you to work somewhere in the Church, anywhere. All you have to do to serve God is BE USEABLE.

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In His Service Dr. Rick Worthy

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