Monday, September 25, 2006


PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA. I Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim October 1,2006 as William "Banks" Greer day.

We will celebrate William "Banks" Greer day Sunday October 1,2006 at Calvary Baptist Church, Dadeville Al. with a special service during our 11:00 Morning Worship Service. There will be proclamations from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senate of Alabama, Attorney General of Alabama and others. Everyone is invited to attend this special service. Lunch will follow the service.

Banks Greer, a highly decorated world war II veteran, has been a member of Calvary Baptist for 72 years. He served as a member of the United States Army in Company B of the 399th Infantry from 1941 to 1946 and was critically wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945

On 16 December 1944 the Germans started their ARDENNES OFFENSIVE. The 106th Infantry Division, in place on a salient jutting out into Germany were hit with full force. After three days of battle, two of the Regiments, the 422nd and the 423rd were surrounded. The 424th, south of the other two regiments, was able to withdraw and join with the 112th Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division. They formed a Regimental Combat Team and were successful in the oncoming days of January 1945 in helping counter the German attack driving the Germans back through the same area where the 106th had been in position in mid-December 1944. This German Offensive became known in the U.S. Forces journals as The Battle of the Bulge.

Facts about the Battle

· The coldest, snowiest weather “in memory” in the Ardennes Forest on the German/Belgium border.

· Over a million men, 500,000 Germans, 600,000 Americans (more than fought at Gettysburg) and 55,000 British.

· 3 German armies, 10 corps, the equivalent of 29 divisions.

· 3 American armies, 6 corps, the equivalent of 31 divisions.

· The equivalent of 3 British divisions as well as contingents of Belgian, Canadian and French troops.

· 100,000 German casualties, killed, wounded or captured.

· 81,000 American casualties, including 23,554 captured and 19,000 killed.

· 1,400 British casualties 200 killed.

· 800 tanks lost on each side, 1,000 German aircraft.
Days in Combat 163

Banks Greer's Company lost the following during the Battel of the Bulge.

Killed 533
Wounded 3,667
Missing 589
Captured 1
Battle Casualties 4,790
Non-Battle Casualties 7,425
Total Casualties 12,215
Percent of T/O Strength 86.7

William "Banks" Greer recevied the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart, the Good Conduct Medal, the American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal,with four bronze service stars, the World War II Victory Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge 1st Award, and the Honorable Service Lapel Button WWII.

William "Banks" Greer was born in the Jackson Gap Community of Tallapoosa County, Alabama on September 7,1918.
He was married to the former Mary Lillie Sextom for 65 years. They had three daughters, seven grand children, and 11 great grand children.

Truly William "Banks" Greer's life has modeled the words of Jesus when He said, "Greater love hath no man than he be willing to lay down his life for a friend." Banks Greer has demonstrated his willingness to lay down his life for total strangers as he defended our country and the freedom that we too often take for granted. In doing so, he has earned the gratitude of His Church, the people of our state and our nation.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Calvary News September 28

Calvary Baptist News
September 21,2006

Calvary Baptist News
September 28,2006

PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA. I Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim October 1,2006 as William "Banks" Greer day.

We will celebrate William "Banks" Greer day Sunday October 1,2006 at Calvary Baptist Church, Dadeville Al. with a special service during our 11:00 Morning Worship Service. There will be proclamations from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senate of Alabama, Attorney General of Alabama and others. Everyone is invited to attend this special service. Lunch will follow the service.

Banks Greer, a highly decorated World War II veteran, has been a member of Calvary Baptist for 72 years. He served as a member of the United States Army in Company B of the 399th Infantry from 1941 to 1946 and was critically wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945

On 16 December 1944 the Germans started their ARDENNES OFFENSIVE. The 106th Infantry Division, in place on a salient jutting out into Germany was hit with full force. After three days of battle, two of the Regiments, the 422nd and the 423rd were surrounded. The 424th, south of the other two regiments, was able to withdraw and join with the 112th Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division. They formed a Regimental Combat Team and were successful in the oncoming days of January 1945 in helping counter the German attack driving the Germans back through the same area where the 106th had been in position in mid-December 1944. This German Offensive became known in the U.S. Forces journals as The Battle of the Bulge.

William "Banks" Greer received the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart, the Good Conduct Medal, the American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, with four bronze service stars, the World War II Victory Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge 1st Award, and the Honorable Service Lapel Button WWII.

William "Banks" Greer was born in the Jackson Gap Community of Tallapoosa County, Alabama on September 7,1918.
He was married to the former Mary Lillie Sexton for 65 years. They had three daughters, seven grand children, and 11 great grand children.

Truly William "Banks" Greer's life has modeled the words of Jesus when He said, "Greater love hath no man than he be willing to lay down his life for a friend." Banks Greer has demonstrated his willingness to lay down his life for total strangers as he defended our country and the freedom that we too often take for granted. In doing so, he has earned the gratitude of His Church, the people of our state and our nation.

Susan Owens had knee surgery Monday, September 25th at E.A.M.C. Keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, September 17, finally came, a day that many if not all at Calvary had dreaded. We knew that it was coming but it was a day that we had not looked forward too. Tim and Leigh have given almost two years of faithful service to Calvary. Tim has given up his vacation time at his work to be able to take the youth on their mission trips each year. The Davis family has sacrificed above and beyond what was expected of them time and time again. They have a loving spirit that is unsurpassed by anyone. Wilma and I have only known them for a little over a year, but during that time we have come to love them very much. God has called Tim, Leigh, Tad and Amber back to Beulah Baptist Church, their home church, were Tim will be the Associate Pastor.

There was a good crowd in the 11 o’clock service. You could tell that the Holy Spirit was there. Ricky T ended his performance by singing happy birthday to Tad who turned 15 Monday (and I might add a deep shade of red). The youth presented Tim with a signed picture of the youth group and Calvary presented him with a plaque commemorating his years of service.
Shawn Harrelson sang one of Tim’s favorite songs Holy Holy Holy and then Cassie Clevenger, owner of sang Somebody’s Praying.
Tim preached from Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” He titled his message “Are we there yet” and pointed out how we start out with many well-wishers and end with many welcoming us home but in the middle of our journey we often must go alone. Tim pointed out that Isaiah makes it clear that God is with us and will strengthen us even when we are traveling that road alone.
We had a great dinner after the service (all good Baptist believe that if you have a reason to meet you have a reason to eat) and a time of fellowship with our Church Family and the Davis clan.

It was really great to see Mrs. Jean Williamson in the service Sunday morning. Mrs. Jean has had some serious problems with her back and has to go every day to Opelika to take antibodies by IV. She still faces major back surgery as soon as the infection is taken care of. Be much in prayer for her.

Dewayne Sanders had liver surgery on Friday, September 15 to remove two tumors. He under went a very serious surgery procedure and is still in ICU. The Doctors believe that they were able to get all the cancer but recovering from the surgery is going to be an up hill battle. Pray for Dewayne and his family. We know that God is a God of healing and a God that answers our prayers. Pray for Brother Tom and Mrs. Sandra as they undertake caring for the kids (Curt and Conner are less than a year old). Tom is not a spring chicken anymore and you can tell the stress is getting to him. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you once again if you would like to help this family, especially with the twin boys, you can contact me at and I will tell you how best you can be of aid. Dewayne has been notified that his job will end in November; therefore, they need your help and most of all your prayers. (Dewayne is home from the hospital as of Saturday, September 23,2006. He is doing well.)

Mrs. Bernice Whittle had lung surgery this past week to remove a cancerous tumor in her lung. She is doing well but as of this writing she was still in E.A.M.C. recovering from that surgery. She is expected to come home soon. Keep her in your prayers. (She has returned home and is recovering from her surgery)

The Youthful Defenders continues to grow and have a lot of things planned for the future.
Wilma and I have our work cut out for us. Tim and Leigh have some big shoes for us to try and fill. We are taking a group to Atlanta during November to help check the shoeboxes that are donated to “ Operation Christmas Child”. Operation Christmas Child sends a message of hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. The youth have started taking orders for their annual fundraiser, a fully cooked Boston butt or a turkey breast. At $20.00 each you can’t go wrong. We will be taking a group to the Big God Conference December 30 - January 1 at Myrtle Beach, SC. So you can see we have our work cut out. Wilma and I are also working with the younger children on Sunday evening at 5:30-6:00 teaching them about puppets. They have been named the socketts due to the type puppets we are using. They are doing a tremendous job and have become a hit with the Sunday night crowd.

It was reported that our new church bus should be on site by the end of September. Brother Tom and Brother Larry McMichael will be going to Nashville, Tenn. (Not to sing, they both have a great deal of trouble carrying a tune in a well covered bucket) to pick up the bus as soon as one comes available. We are all looking forward to that day. (It has been reported that it may be as late as November before a bus is available)

We invite you to come visit Calvary. Our services are: Sunday School at 9:45 A.M. and Morning Worship at 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship at 6:P.M. Wednesday night Ministries begins at 6:30 P.M.

Check out our web page at

In His Service
Dr. Rick Worthy

Monday, September 11, 2006

Calvary News September 14

Calvary Baptist News
Dr. Rick Worthy
September 11, 2006

Can you remember were you were on the day the world stood still for a moment? I remember getting to the job site in Alex City and the lady that Wilma and I was painting for coming to the door and telling us that something awful had just happened. We went in and stood in her living room and watch the announcers as they told what was taking place. We could not believe what was unfolding before our eyes. We saw the second plane as it flew into the second tower of the World Trade Center and just a few minutes later we watched in horror as the towers began to disintegrate and fall to the streets below. Monday we remembered that fateful day five years ago and prayed once again that something like this would never happen again. We remembered the fallen from every nation. We must never forget that this attack; although it was on American soil, was an attack on the nations of the world. Monday as I watched the many different Memorial Services I was once again reminded of the pain and the suffering a few can inflect on so many. I saw a little girl on one of the newscast, just a toddler, ask her mother why all those people had to die. How can one answer a question like that? I heard a song Sunday morning on the W.E.L.L. that said “I was there” It spoke of Jesus being on the 101 floor, in the stairwells, standing beside the family members as they got that last phone call or message, with each person that was willing to cry out to Him, on the planes that evil men used as weapons of mass destruction, on the ground that was to become a mass grave for so many. Jesus was there then and He is still here with us today as we remember that day. Let us never forget He walks that valley with us. (Psa 23:4) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

On September 1st several members of SAM (Senior Adults Ministry) traveled to Montgomery and enjoyed a great dinner at Up the Creek Restaurant (It was reported to me by one of the members that they did have a paddle). They attended the Alabama Shakespeare Festival were they saw the play Honky Tonk Angels.

The Senior Adult Ladies Sunday School Class is planning a retreat in Helen, Ga. the last weekend in October. Dorothy Lynch will be traveling to Texas September 11-15. Keep her in your prayers.

Rick and Wilma began the Kid’s World Puppet workshop Sunday evening with 6 in attendance. They were fantastic. In twenty minutes they learned how to perform a song and performed it for the Church that evening. The young people that attended were, Tad Davis, Karleigh Sanders (Youthful Defenders), Amber Davis, Shauna and Annah Harrelson, and Luke Greer (Kids World). Keep up the good work guys.

Mrs. Bernice Whittle under went Surgery Monday to remove a spot on her lung. After a three-hour surgery it was reported that she was doing well. The Doctors don’t believe that she will have to undergo any type Chemotherapy. They did discover that she had several bad disks in her back that was causing her the pain the she had been experiencing. She has a long way to go so keep praying for her recovery.

Brother Charlie Horton’s new Sunday School Class “Navigators” had six members this past Sunday Morning. Bro. Charlie is taking the class back to the basics learning how to study God’s Word. This will be a great Class to join and learn just how to go about studying the Bible. Come and join them.

The ladies of Calvary gave Miss Amanda Marie Minor bride elect Mr. Kane Jacoby Etheredge a bridal shower on Sunday afternoon, September 10. It was reported that the shower went well. Best wishes go out to both Amanda and Kane as they began a new life together.

Brother Tim Davis has been called as Associate Pastor of Beulah Baptist Church. We are thankful for the two wonderful years of service he and Leigh have given at Calvary. Be in prayer for them in their new ministry. Tim will preach during the morning service next Sunday. There will be a covered dish meal after the service. Make plans to attend this farewell service for the Davis’. We encourage all the youth to be in attendance.

In Brother Tom’s sermon Sunday morning he compared the Body of Christ (the Church) to the great redwood trees. The root system of the redwood tree is surprisingly shallow, especially given the great height the mature tree attains. There is no taproot and the other roots may reach no deeper than 6-10 feet. One way in which the trees are able to remain upright for millennia is by growing close together with other redwood trees, intermingling root systems. For the Body of Christ to remain strong against the winds of Satan we must stand together. We must be like those mighty redwoods growing tall, intermingling our roots together for a Christian cannot stand-alone. He or She must have the support from other believers. (Heb 10:25) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. I encourage you to attend Church on Sunday morning and Sunday night. Become active in serving God. Unlike a football game were we go and watch a few well trained men battle for a few more yards, serving God requires your participation, your contribution. I challenge you to blow your pastor’s mind by going up to him Sunday morning and asking him to put you to work somewhere in the Church, anywhere. All you have to do to serve God is BE USEABLE.

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In His Service Dr. Rick Worthy

Pa's Gonna Be Mad

A farm boy accidentally overturned a wagon of corn on the road. A nearby farmer saw the accident and went over to have a look and found the boy trying to right the tipped wagon.

"Hey Willie," the farmer said. "Forget your troubles for a spell....its late, come have dinner with us. I'll help you with that wagon after we eat."

"That's mighty nice of you, but Pa won't like that," Willie replied.

"Aw, come on son. Take a break," the farmer insisted.

"Well, okay," the boy finally agreed. "But Pa won't like it."

After a hearty meal, Willie thanked the farmer. "I feel a lot better now, but I just know that Pa will be upset."

"Nonsense," the farmer said. "Where is your pa anyway?"

"Under the wagon."

Saturday, September 09, 2006



(Mat 17:22) And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said unto them, The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men:

(Mat 17:23) And they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again. And they were exceeding sorry.

Christ foretold of His own sufferings and finding it a hard saying for His disciples, He saw that it was necessary to repeat it more than once. There is times God finds it necessary to repeat things to us. Why? Because we just don’t listen or we don’t understand.

The Son Of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of men.
Was He delivered into the hands of men of God?
Did Judas deliver him into the hands of men?
Into whose hands was He betrayed?

That they should kill Him
Why should they want to kill Him?
Why would God allow such a thing?
Do you think His death satisfied the religious establishment? The Romans? God?

That He should be raised on the third day.
What was so important about being raised?
Why the third day?

They were exceeding sorry.
Why were they so sorry?
Was it ignorance or love that made them sorry?

Rev. Tom Pemberton

Monday, September 04, 2006

Calvary News

Calvary News
Dr. Rick Worthy

This past week has been one of pain and suffering for many of our members. Sometimes we wonder why we have to go down that long hard road that has so much pain and uncertainty at the end when we try so hard to live for God. I can assure you that God knows our pain and He cares that we are burdened with a load of care and hardship. He promised that He would walk that long hard road with us. As Christians we can have a companion that knows every dip and curve and can guide us through the darkness.

Jean Williamson knows that pain this week. She also knows the One that can and will get her through. Mrs. Jean had major back surgery on Thursday of last week to correct a severe curve in her spine. The doctors were to put in a rod that would help correct this problem but when they got in they discovered a large pocket of infection that had gone undetected. This was causing a lot of the pain that she had been experiencing. They were able to clean up the infection but she will have to be on antibodies given by IV for six weeks. She still will have to have the corrective back surgery after the infection is gone.

Tim and Leigh Davis visited Mrs. Jean on Saturday and reported that she was in a great deal of pain. Ronnie and Barbara Lightsey, Tommy and Margaret Glasscock visited her Sunday afternoon and reported that she was feeling much better. Pray for Mrs. Jean.

Dwayne Sanders is still recovering from his surgery to remove cancer from his colon. He went back to his doctor this past week and found that he had not one but two spots on his liver. He will have to undergo liver surgery on the 15th of September. Dwayne has a great doctor that believes in prayer and believes in the healing power of God. We know that Dwayne is going to make it through. It may be hard and it may be long but Jesus will walk beside him, carrying him when it becomes unbearable. The New Beginning Sunday School has taken Dwayne’s twin boys on as a mission project to help with their needs. Conner and Curt are less than a year old. If you feel led to help contact me at Please make a note in the subject area “help for Conner and Curt.” God will richly bless you. Dwayne found out this past week that his job at Uniroyal will end in November. Be much in prayer for the Sanders.

Mrs. Sandra Horton spent a good portion of last week in Dadeville Hospital. She was experiencing something with flu like symptoms. She got to go home the last part of last week. Continue to pray for her. Brother Charlie began a new Sunday school class Sunday, September 3 for all the couples that want to go into a class together. We know that he will do a great job.

Rick and Wilma Worthy were at Victory Baptist Church on Sunday morning. Dr. Worthy preached for Brother John Watkins who was away preaching a homecoming at a church in Tennessee. Rick and Ricky T. performed for the kids during the service. Rick and Wilma were to begin the new children’s puppet workshop this past Sunday evening but it was postponed due to the Labor Day weekend. We had a lot of families on vacation.

The Youthful Defenders (Youth Class) and the YAMs (Young Adult Ministries) held a joint Sunday school Class at Wilder Healthcare Sunday morning. There were 7 youth and 16 adults in attendance. The residents at Wilder really enjoy the time of fellowship and Bible study.

On a personal note, as I have watched the many different anniversary specials about the attack on America September 11,2001, I’m reminded just how vulnerable we are. As I recall that day 5 years ago and how people of all races, creeds and religions flocked to church to pray for our nation and the safety of it’s people, I see a people today that has lost that urgency to cry out to God for help in time of trouble. As I look at the Church today and see the empty pews, the apathy in the eyes of our people, and the belief that it will never happen again I wonder how did we get so blind so soon? Must we face another 9-11? (2Ch 7:14) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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Always in His Service,Rick