Sunday, October 15, 2006

Calvary News October12

Calvary News October 12

Sunday was a day of preparation for the up coming Tallapoosa Baptist Annual Meeting. Calvary had been chosen to host the 91st Annual Session on Monday, October 9th, 2006. Although it is a lot of hard work, it is a great honor for a church to be the host. We worked all week making sure everything was in order, the menu was prepared, food ordered, workers lined up and there was enough iced tea (both sweet and un-sweet) available. You never want to give out of iced tea for we are southern born and breed. Brother Tom had reached the point of total melt down by Sunday evening even with all the encouraging words from his staff (We will never get this done, why did you get us into this, I’m taking my vacation, I’ll see you when this is over, all the words any good staff will say to their pastor in a situation like this).

At precisely 2:00 PM Rev. Richard Hall Jr. called the 91st Session of the Tallapoosa Association to order. Rev Tom Pemberton pastor of Calvary Baptist Church welcomed everyone to Calvary and gave some much-needed directions to the facilities (bathrooms and water fountains). After that there was reports form the State Mission, Associational Reports, Associational Business, Ministry Reports, Memorial Service and a message from Rev John Maclaren. While that was going on 20 of Calvary’s finest was busy preparing the evening meal, ham, green beans, sweet potatoes, rolls, cake and tea. 150 meals were prepared and waiting for the 130 in attendance to come storming down the stairs to the fellowship hall. After many “more tea sir” the crowd dispersed and went back upstairs for the evening session. After a few more reports Rev Richard Hall brought the Annual Sermon. Rev Barry Cosper, Director of Missions, gave the Associational Missionary Report. Rev. Cosper,s vision for 2007 is first to pay off the $300,000 debt in a year. He purposed that this can be done by 300 of the 11,000 members of Tallapoosa Association giving just $20.00 a month ($1000.00 a year) or 600 giving just $10.00 a month ($500.00 a year). This will pay off the new building in just one year. Second, Rev Cosper purposed the building of a house on land donated in Stillwaters as a Missionary home for those on furlough. It will be used for great commission ministries as well. If you are willing to give $1000 or $500 a year until the new building is paid off call the Associational office and tell Mrs. Cathy to put you down.

Calvary had a baby needs pounding for the Sanders twins this past Sunday. Dewayne had to be taking back to the hospital in B’ham Saturday night. He is not doing well. He has a lot of infection and had to have surgery again Sunday morning. Keep him in your prayers.

Hope Parker spent Saturday night in Russell Medical Center with stomach viruses. She is reported home and much better.

Sandra Horton will have arthroscopy surgery on Tuesday, October 17. Keep her in your prayers.

Be sure to visit our web site at

Wednesday, October 11, 2006



Sunday, October 01, 2006


Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Bulge

Slim Greer

Battle of the Bulge (Coldest winter on record)

Banks and Mary were married for 65 years

Calvary Baptist News October 5th

Calvary Baptist News October 5,2006
Dr. Rick Worthy

By proclamation of the Governor of Alabama October 1,2006 was proclaimed as William "Banks" Greer day. What a celebration! I never realized there could be that many Greers in one place at the same time. When it comes to packing a pew they have it down to an art. Calvary Baptist Church, Dadeville Al. was packed as we came together to celebrate William Banks Greer’s accomplishments in World War II. Mayor Joe Smith read a proclamation from the City of Dadeville, Sheriff Jimmy Abbett read a proclamation from the Attorney General, Troy King, Senator Ted Little read a proclamation from the Alabama State Senate, Mr. Coy Powell, Commander of the D.A.V., read a proclamation from Lieutenant Governor Lucy Baxley and Rev. Tom Pemberton read a proclamation from Governor Bob Riley. All the Proclamations were given commemorating the sacrifice that William Banks Greer gave for his country.

William Banks Greer, a highly decorated World War II veteran, has been a member of Calvary Baptist for 72 years. He served as a member of the United States Army in Company B of the 399th Infantry from 1941 to 1946 and was critically wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945
William "Banks" Greer received the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart, the Good Conduct Medal, the American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, with four bronze service stars, the World War II Victory Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge 1st Award, and the Honorable Service Lapel Button WWII. William "Banks" Greer was born in the Jackson Gap Community of Tallapoosa County, Alabama on September 7,1918. He was married to the former Mary Lillie Sexton for 65 years. They had three daughters, seven grand children, and 11 great grand children. Truly William "Banks" Greer's life has modeled the words of Jesus when He said, "Greater love hath no man than he be willing to lay down his life for a friend." Banks Greer has demonstrated his willingness to lay down his life for total strangers as he defended our country and the freedom that we too often take for granted. In doing so, he has earned the gratitude of His Church, the people of our state and our nation.

Calvary Baptist will host the Tallapoosa Baptist Association Annual Meeting on Monday October 9th. The meeting will began at 2:00 P.M. and will break for supper at around 5:30 P.M. The evening Meeting will began at 6:45 P.M.

Susan Owens is reported doing well after her surgery. She will be home recovering for several weeks.

The S.A.M. will have their fellowship meeting October 12th at 5:30 P.M. Grilled burgers and Hot Dogs will be served. Bring a small gift for bingo.

There will be a Baby “needs” pounding for Curt and Conner Sanders on October 8th sponsored by Mrs. Pam Parker and the Children’s Church. Dewayne is home and recovering from his cancer surgery. They have a long way to go. Keep them in your prayers.

Sometimes pastors are the loneliest people in the church. Often their hours are long, the pay minimal, for below anything you or I would even think about, the criticism considerable and constant. Feelings of disappointment, discouragement, and defeat may begin to plague the best of them.
Set a Sunday morning to honor your pastor / staff and their families.
Some Ideas that can be used to make your Pastor/Staff feel loved and appreciated (no they are not doing it to get a pat on the back but believe me, I’ve been there, some encouragement will lift your pastor up and he will bring you with him).
Present each pastor / staff member with one or more of the following:-Appreciation certificate or plaque-Gift certificate-Monetary gift-Flowers for wives-Mini-vacation (i.e. - provide a weekend trip out of town)-Reception following the service
-An old-fashion pounding (a few sacks of groceries goes along way)
Have a special prayer time in the worship service for pastor and staff. Various church members could pray for the following pastor and staff needs: family needs, spiritual guidance, sense of fulfillment / encouragement.

There is countless numbers of ways that you, as a church, can honor and show your appreciation for what your pastor has done and is doing for God in your community.

My daughter, Misty, takes the whole month of February for her birthday. She celebrates her birthday the whole month; every day is a special day during that month. Why can’t we, as a church, do the same for our pastor during October? Let’s learn a lesson from Misty. Let us make October (all of it) Pastor Appreciation Day. Make every day during this month a special day for your pastor! God will bless you for it. I promise you with my hand raised. In His Service, Dr. Rick Worthy
http://C:\Documents and Settings\Rick Worthy\My Documents\GREER1.htm and Settings\Rick Worthy\My Documents\GREER1.htm